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Explore our schools:

Senior School (Ages 11 - 18)

Senior Pupil Leadership and Voice

Aligned with our sister school in Dorset, our vision for the School Council is to foster a deep respect for others' needs, emphasising empathy, cooperation, collaboration, and the responsibilities of being part of a community and the global society.

The School Council comprises elected pupils who demonstrate leadership skills and passion, serving as representatives for their peers and the wider Sherborne Qatar community. Being a member of the Senior School Council is a significant honour and embodies our motto, "Made in Sherborne, Made for Life."

Chaired by the Head Boy and Head Girl, the School Council convenes approximately twice per term. Each Tutor Group appoints a Form Representative, and from these representatives, two Year Representatives are elected to advocate for the interests of their fellow pupils.

Every year, elections are conducted to fill various pupil leadership positions, ensuring a democratic and inclusive process for selecting student representatives.

Empowering leaders for a Global Future.